Hello! Kaiya here, I enjoy long walks to the fridge, coloring books and black mango tea. I am an enthusiastic individual with a passion for exploring, be it on a bike, in a kayak or tromping around the woods with my big furry adventure buddy [dog], Dakota. I spend far too much time thinking about dogs and puns, and can often times be found laughing at my own jokes. This comes in especially handy after multiple days in the labs, as I work myself into the ground, burritoed up in a blanket animating my soul away..laughing quietly. But! No matter the lack of sleep, amount of work to be done or 200 other things on my brain, I am always willing to support a friend and simply be there for them. I love people. I love laughing, I love animation!
Hailing from the state of Minnesota, I grew up constantly surrounded by family, friends and no lack of animals. My mom taught me not to fear bugs, how to pitch a tent and introduced me to our shared love of art. My dad never ceases to make my laugh, has unending wisdom and gave me a terrific love for photography. We're a little family, but there has never been a shortage of noise, road trips, endless photos (comes with the territory of two professional photographers for parents) or impromptu concerts in the kitchen. Being homeschooled, I was able to explore so many more books, take school on the road, live with family in Alaska or spend so much time adventuring all over the woods behind my home or taking countless roadtrips across the US (which were all filled with "field trip" knowledge). It's my favorite place on earth and my favorite place to return to.
"What is your personal foundation and what are you standing on?"
My personal foundation and values are very simple. Make meaningful decisions, do not say what can be understood - say what can't be misunderstood, and above all be kind. My parents gave me a great foundation, setting me up for success so I could make my own observations and decisions about morality and life choices. It is through observation and making my own decisions that I have come to build up my own foundation truths.
"How do your experiences effect how you see the mediascape?"
Along with my own observations and decisions, media sources have made an impact on my life. Through reading works of literature and countless books that give the reader a different perspective on everyday life, I have been been influenced...so partially, the media has changed my perspective on mediascape. I have encountered plenty of bad media in my time, but it has been through finding a "style" of sorts that has helped me filter what I watch or read. I value my time and make conscious decisions when it comes to how I disperse and spend that time - sometimes that means I can go for long periods of time without touching any type of contemporary media. In conclusion, I am on the critical side when it comes to what I intake in terms of media, but am willing to seek out new sources through the course of this class.
Hey Kaiya! It was fascinating reading about your background as well as Alice Neel. The addition of photos was really helpful to see what exactly you reference. The personal photos are cute too! Referencing other artists while discussing Alice Neel shows a clear knowledge and background in art. It was really clear why Neel’s work is important to you, and connecting it to the big picture was also really well done. Your positivity and quirkiness make both interesting and informative at the same time. Will peek at your posts in the future!